The following local information and contact details are intended to provide a useful resource. If any details are wrong, or you have information that you think should be included on this page, please get in touch with the Parish Clerk.
​Flood Wardens
Don Harrod - 01263 740713 or 07979 576502
Andrew Wiggley - 01263 741772 or 07881 980194
St Nicolas Church
You can read a detailed history of the Church on the Norfolk Churches Website. Several events are held in the Church every year, details of which are provided on the Village News and Events page.
The Bowls Club
Salthouse Bowls Club is currently closed, but is keen to hear from anyone interested in becoming a member so that we can re-establish it. The Club thrived for many years and is a great way of keeping in touch with the community and getting exercise at the same time! ​
Heath Trustees
The AGM of the Heath Management Committee will be held on Saturday 19 October 2024 at 6pm in the Village Hall